A travel-insurance policy to cover theft, loss and medical problems is an excellent idea for travel in Nepal. There are a wide variety of policies available, so check the small print carefully. Some policies exclude ‘dangerous activities’, which may include riding a motorbike and trekking and definitely bungee jumping and rafting.
Choose a policy that covers medical and emergency problems, including helicopter evacuation for trekkers and general medical evacuation.You may prefer a policy that pays doctors or hospitals directly rather than you having to pay on the spot and claim later. In Nepal, most medical treatment must be paid for at the point of delivery. If your insurance company does not provide upfront payment, be sure to obtain a receipt so you can reclaim later. Some policies ask you to reverse charge to a center in your home country where an immediate assessment of your problem is made.
The decision to travel is the sole responsibility of the traveler. The traveler is also responsible for his or her own personal safety. The purpose of this Travel Report is to provide up-to-date information to enable guests to make well-informed decisions before heading to Nepal. Long stay travel / holiday policies for Nepal are often quoted with a vast number of different add-ons to suit your specific requirements when travelling to Nepal; such as adventure policies, extreme sports, winter sports cover, valuables cover etc. For this reason, it is suggested that you conduct a detailed review of all the possible long stay travel or holiday insurance policy providers prior to your departure from your home.
Ensure that you think ahead in detail about what you might potentially be doing whilst in Nepal so that any potential eventualities have been included in your long stay travel or holiday insurance policy.
The 4 locations where injuries are most likely to occur in Nepal are noted below:
>Remote locations
>Trekking trails
The following are just some of the benefits of the Travel Bond Policy.
1>Personal Money:You are covered for the theft of cash and traveler’s cheques from your person as well as safety deposit boxes.
2>PersonalBelongings : The value of personal effects and luggage is covered for items accidentally lost, stolen, or damaged. Apart from that, travel documents such as tickets, visas and passports are also insured against loss or theft.
3>Cancellationsand Curtailments : If you have to cancel your holiday or cut it short due to the sickness or injury of a close member of the family, someone you are traveling with or staying with, travel insurance covers all expenses that you are not able to get back.
4>Medical Expenses : Insurance firms will pay medical expenses and hospital fees, including any costs of getting you to hospital (land, water, or air ambulance) if you were to fall sick or injure you. If medical staffs consider that you require medical emergency repatriation in that case the costs of getting you home, with a trained nurse or doctor are included in the cover.
5>Baggage Delay : Insurance firms will reimburse you the cost of purchasing necessities in the event of your baggage being delayed or lost for more than 24 hours.